Kezriäjy (work in progress)

Kezriäjy da karttuaju, 2023

Kezriäjy refers to the presence of handcrafts in Karelian everyday life, and investigates how spinning stories in Karelian culture has been practiced through craft. In their newest body of work, Tuomi portrays a narrative through their family’s Karelian heritage and family land(scapes), delicately intertwining traditional Karelian crafts and photography. They emphasise photography and traditional craft as tools used in exchanging stories and cultural inheritance between individuals and generations.

What happens when the act of photographing begins from planting a linen seed in grandmother’s garden, learning to embroider a esliina from a photograph of your grandmother’s grandmother or gathering leftover hair from your mother’s hairbrush? How can creating and learning be as important and present as the final photograph?

But also, what is the relationship between intergenerational trauma and being photographed and studied by those outside of your community? And how can photography begin to address and heal that?

Čilu (Shard), 2023

Zirkalo, zirkalo (Mirror, Mirror), 2023


Muamazeni on puu (My mother is a tree), 2023

Hand spun yarn from my mother’s hair embroidered on linen fabric

Hair, linen

29,5 x 29,5 cm


Detail from Naine kirjou hivuksil (Woman Embroiders With Hair), 2023


Čilu-installation consisting of two framed photographs

Exhibited in Of a feather... at Dipoli Gallery, spring 2024

50 x 40 cm

Handmade wooden frames, textile fringes inspired by Karelian traditional handkerchief ‘nästyyki’, made from grandmother’s fabric scraps

Pigment print, birch frame, textile

28 x 35 cm

Pigment print, birch frame, textile